
Fields of expertise


Fields of expertise

The city of Essen has a broad and diverse economic and scientific landscape. The CONVENTION BUREAU ESSEN, in cooperation with the EWG – Essener Wirtschaftsförderung GmbH (Economic Development Agency of Essen) and other stakeholders in the city, fosters and strengthens networks within and between the sectors of business, research, science, and politics. The competencies of the city of Essen are particularly focused on the fields of medicine and health, information and communication technologies, environment, creative industries, and energy. Through specialized focuses, the universities and research institutions in Essen ensure that they attract and further educate the brightest minds and talents in the country. The larger the pool of skilled professionals, the greater the chance that companies from these sectors will establish themselves in Essen.

Do you want to host a convention event in Essen? The CONVENTION BUREAU ESSEN will gladly create a suitable framework program for you. Experts, high-profile speakers, and anand an interested specialist audience complete the potential of the city of Essen.

City garden from above | © Johannes Kassenberg

Business location

With approximately 570,000 inhabitants, Essen is one of the largest cities in Germany and a potent business location in the heart of the 5.1 million strong Ruhr metropolitan area. The Essen location offers excellent conditions for companies and investments. Essen is a top business location with numerous corporations, a powerful and internationally oriented medium-sized business sector, six universities and around 25 research institutions, international leading trade fairs, strong high-tech industries, and an excellent infrastructure.

Industry structure

The energy industry is a strong and important local economic factor, as is the healthcare industry with around 48,800 employees subject to social insurance contributions. Overall, growth and future-oriented industries are strongly represented in Essen. This applies in particular to energy supply, real estate and housing, freelance, scientific and technical services, business-related services, other economic, public and private services, information and communication, construction and the hospitality industry. In short: Essen has a good industry structure with its future-oriented and growth sectors.

Advice & support


EMG - Essen Marketing GmbH

Kennedyplatz 5
45127 Essen

Kirsten Schneider
+49 201 8872041

Aleksandra Prochasek
+49 201 8872036

Andreas Rickenbrock
+49 201 8872040